-BMX Magazine: DIG
-BMX MC: CatfishCatfish
-Video game: Dave Mirra
-BMX video: DQYDJ, Can I Eat, Fitlife
-Website: www.Theyea.com
-Web video: only the good stuff
-Twitter to follow: @thequotesofevan
-Person on Instagram: @chocolatetruck
-Travel destination: Philadelphia!
-Riders to ride with: Mcthugin, atown trash/ecd homies
-Car: Honda Ruckus!
-Movie: Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke

-Colour: Greeeeen;)
-Shoes: those etnies Jamesons
-Bike company: Fitbikeco, Animal/SKVR
-BMX contest: Gatorade Free flow
-Bike shop: Butchers Block
-Restaurant chain: Outback Steakhouse
-Clothing company: clothes
-Phone: Iphone 4s
-Music: Bob Marley
-Ramp rider: Ryan Nyquist
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken

-Old school rider: Glenn PP, McM RIP
-Drink: water
-BMX photographer: Chris Marshal(spook)
-BMX Filmer: Navaz
-Girl: any chick who tries to ride a bike
-Sport besides BMX: soccer
-Party: it's always a party!