-BMX contest: Texas Toast

-Colour: Orange
-Shoes: Black on black Vans Eras
-Drink: Orange Iced Tea or Stella Artois
-Food: Vegetarian
-Travel destination: New Orleans
-BMX video: Right now it's gonna have to be Markit Zero
-Website: www.ecdbmx.com of course!
-Web video: That last AK video. Shit was fire!
-Movie: Ah man, too many good ones. I'd have to say Snatch and The Last Dragon
-Spot to ride: So many to choose from. Always gotta go back to the spots I grew up riding. The Easton Vert Walls.
-BMX photographer: Rob Dolecki
-BMX Filmer: Rich Forne has a real interesting take on bmx videos I like those a lot and Joe Simon always does awesome videos.
-Riders to ride with: The dudes I ride with all the time.

-Car: That Shelby from Gone in 60 seconds. Eleanor.
-Bike company: Cult Shit!
-Clothing company: East Coast Destruction Will Never Die!
-Phone: Iphone
-BMX Magazine: The Albion
-Trick: T-bogs
-BMX MC: huh?
-Bike shop: Butchers The Block Shop and Broken Spoke Bike Shop
-Restaurant chain: Not a big fan chains. There's a burrito spot in Bethlehem called Tulum. If you're ever in town check that place out.
-Music: This would take all day, I listen to so many different things. He

-Ramp rider: Chase Hawk, Matt Roe Style.
-Street rider: There's a few, Ak, Ty Morrow, Rob Wise
-Dirt rider: BF
-Flatland rider: Chappelle and Willie!
-Old school rider: Depends on the definition of old school. Taj.
-Video game: GTA V is quite addicting
-Girl: My Girl
-Sport besides BMX: Cycling
-Party: good ones.
Follow me on Instagram: @riverrunsnorth