-Colour: Gray
-Shoes: Vans Halfcabs
-Bike Company: Premium BMX
-Bike Shop: Dah Shop
-BMX Contest: Dew Tour
-Website: Every website is dope, but I like checking tcu for raw upcomming riders.
-Web Video: Chad Kerley's Bakers Dozen, this was a hard one, I love all videos
-Resturant Chain: I don't know if this counts but Charleys Grilled Subs
-Phone: Iphone all day!
-Favorite person on twitter: My girlfriend haha, she posts some silly stuff
-Favorite Instagram: Humzadeas
-Music: Depends what I'm riding, Flowing through park I like vibing to some Bob Marley but if I'm out in the streets for sure some Meek Mill. Always gets me pumped
-Favorite Ramp Rider: Kriss Kyle
-Street Rider: Chad Kerley
-Old School rider: I'd say this dude from around my way, everyone calls him Queen$, he's helped me with a lot since I started riding.
-Drink: Vitamin Water
-Trick: Truckdriver
-BMX Mag: RideBMX
-BMX MC: Uh I don't know
-Video Game: Any Call of Duty or Forza
-BMX photographer: Nick Jones
-Girl: My girl
-Sports besides bmx: I used to play soccer for my school but it's my last year so I don't think I'll continue.
-Party: I don't really go to that much partys but, I can say Texas Toast 2014 at Shakespears was wild!