-Website: leboncoin.fr & chaturbate
-Web video: "perspective" by the diggest
-Food: BBQ all day
-Riders to ride with: All my friends
-Car: My mini Austin
-Movie: Dikkenek
-Colour: chrome
-Shoes: Vans
-Twitter to follow: no one
-Person on Instagram: @crandallfbm because I love his bus @rrdblocks hahaha because this is a "cross-bitume"
-Travel destination: Bask country, just between mountains and the sea with good concrete bowls and trails ..
-Bike company: FBM / S&M
-BMX contest: contest sucks, I prefer a little jam
-Bike shop: All little french store
-Restaurant chain: BK
-Sport besides BMX: snowboard / motorcycle
-Clothing company: Chillax
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: All good vibes, dirty rocknroll, old school hip hop
-Ramp rider: Mike Aitken
-Old school rider: Todd Lyons because this is the first guy I've seen do a flip during a bmx race ...
-Street rider: Van Homan
-Dirt rider: Mark Mulville
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Drink: Belgium Beer & Whiskey
-Trick: Turndown 3/4
-BMX Magazine: Dig bmx mag
-BMX MC: Maxence Oddone, this is the french Darryl Nau
-Video game: No video game
-BMX photographer: Vince Perraud / Nicolas Dufaure
-Girl: French girls are the best
-Party: parking party