Name: Dakota Roche
Age: 27
Hometown: Huntington Beach, USA
Sponsors: Cult, Vans, Monster Energy, Stance, Cinema, Dans Comp, Bult
When did you start filming for Above/Below?
Dak: March, 2014 in Barcelona, Spain
You are known to look for new spots all the time. Are your clips filmed at spots that people haven't seen yet?Dak: Yeah man, there's definitely a few spots that I hadn't filmed at before in my part. I'm all about exploring and tryin to look at spots a little differently.
Who filmed most of the Above/Below video?
Dak: Rich Forne filmed its entirety
Where did you all go to get your part done?
Dak: Barcelona, Tokyo, New York City, Nashville
With the Above/Below premiere on Thursday, the DIG photo expo and Brighton Ain't Ready showing at the House of Vans on Friday, the rebeljam itself, and the official afterparty at the House of Vans, it's going to be a fun time in London. What are you looking forward to the most?Dak: Honestly, I'm just stoked to be with the whole crew enjoying all of it. The course looks so rad and the A/B premiere is gonna be a blast.
What are your thoughts on the rebeljam course from what you've seen so far?Dak: Definitely one of the better looking courses in recent memory. Kachinsky has been killin' it in the design lab. Dudes are gonna be going IN.
When are you getting into town?
Dak: Wednesday.
Any shout outs?
Dak: Monster for the opportunity to have a part in ABOVE/BELOW, Vans for throwing what's gonna be an insane BMX contest.