Do you have any plans for any international trips in 2015?
Chad: I’m going on a Nike trip within the next couple weeks to Malaga and the Canary Islands that I’m really looking forward to.
Do you think your racing background, just like many others, has helped with your bike control?
Chad: For sure.
Did you ever race Dennis Enarson?
Chad: We were in different age groups so we never got to race. Who would win if you raced tomorrow on a bike of your choice, you or Dennis?
Chad: Dennis knows how to pedal like a crazy man but I think I can hold my own haha.
Do you get recognized in the streets after being on TV for a contest?
Chad: Sometimes I do.
Who are some of the SD locals you look(ed) up to?
Chad: Dennis Enarson and Tammy Mccarley were my hometown heroes.How does it feel having a signature bike out at Premium BMX?
Chad: It’s a dream come true and I’m thankful to have come this far with Premium. Having that CK on my frame has me hyped every time I ride.
Was gold the one and only colour that you had in mind for it?
Chad: Gold and Silver were both at the top of my list for colors I wanted to use for the CK frame.
If you're not riding, what do you spend time on?
Chad: I spend time with my new puppy Coco I recently got and with the homies.
Who's in your local riding crew?
Chad: It depends. But usually I ride with Dennis, and a couple other homies I grew up riding with.
Who do you like to film with?
Chad: Lately I’ve been filming with Doeby out in SD, he’s awesome.
What's on the program for 2015?
Chad: I’m going to be dropping a new edit with Doeby real soon, continue working on my Cinema video part with Will Stroud, we have a Premium CK v2 frame in the works, and I plan to hit a couple contests and trips with my sponsors.
Thanks to: FATBMX for the interview. Everyone that supports me. My parents. And all of my sponsors, Nike, Rockstar, Premium, GoPro, Cinema, Dan’s Comp, and MARKIT!
Photos by: @jcobbs, @doeby, @rockstar and @camilobmx