Who all made it to New York for the trip?
Brock: Chad is injured at the moment and couldn't make the trip so it's Josh de Reus, Blake Peters, local Stephon Fung and special guest Haro's Mike Gray. It'll be fun. What places have you ridden already and what spots are on the program?
Brock: Stephon lives nearby so he is taking us to all the hotspots.
You've also been filming for a Premium edit. When can we expect to see that?
Brock: Yes it should be out within a week. I actually finished filming for it right before I flew to NY. Biggie kills it with filming so it should be sweet.
Will footage of this trip be in that video as well?
Brock: No we are filming here for a Ride BMX exclusive. It will come out with the magazine article in a couple months.
With RIDEBMX present, are you extra motivated to get some shots?
Brock: For sure. Jeff Z is the man.
What Premium set-up do you currently run?
Brock: I'm running the Aurora frame 21" in Green.
Thanks to?
Brock:Thanks Premium for the opportunities like this and the good times!