competitons in Europe, we welcome this contest a lot. The whole contest is organized well, so everybody is looking forward to compete in this true dirt competition.Do you prefer big jumps, or do you like decent sized jumps that won't kill you to do your tricks on?
Simon Moratz: Super large jumps like the ones Dane Searls jumped are not in my interest. But I definitly prefer big jumps, which sizes are between 8 and 12 meters. There I feel very comfortable to do my tricks on. Because on small jumps you have to rush to do your trick.
With Patrick Guimez and Markus Hampl behind the jump design, how is your trust in the jumps?
Simon Moratz: Markus, Patrick and Vincent are doing a good job all the time. If they build the dirt courses for events you are definitly having good times on them.The LOD is more than just riding. Have you packed your swim shorts?
Simon Moratz: Yeah. The spot and the accomodation are pretty close to the ocean and the theme park. With all the dudes there it is always fun. There are so many things to do. But better dont`t crash with the Jetski.
Who do you think will do well at this year's Lords Of Dirt contest?
Simon Moratz: Dude, there are so many heavy hitters this year. I don't want to judge before the contest, but I always love to see the riding of Leandro Moreira and Cory Nastazio. They are always full of energy.Do you think you're going to bring a new trick for the 'Best Trick' contest?
Simon Moratz: After my injury I worked hard and I already did a completely new one for the bmx world. If the energy is there and the biggest jump feels alright for me, you will the a new one at the competiton.
Which are your local trails?
Simon Moratz: The Unterholzhäuseln Trails directly in front of our farm. They are there since 2002 and we improved them every year.
How much time do you spend digging there?
Simon Moratz: Every dirt rider knows, that you spend more time digging there than riding the spot. But it is really cool to have them and you are able to realize your form of art.
How much better does it feel when the trails are well watered and shaped before the session starts?
Simon Moratz: Water has to be on the jumps no matter what. If there is no water you already can see the tears in the shapers eyes before the session even starts. With fresh shaped trails and the rigth amount of water the good feeling on the jumps rises a lot.What is the best set of trails you've ridden at?
Simon Moratz: The Peynier Trail in the south of France is always great to ride and it is a pleasure to ride with all the crew there. When the sun is about do go down and it is not that hot anymore. And there is the trail at Martin Capeks place in Czech Republic. Both are steep jumps with tons of flow.
Who do you admire as a dirt jump builder?
Simon Moratz: If you are able to ride a spot the whole day without doing tricks, than you know that it is a good spot. I admire the people who are spending all their spare time in keeping the lines alive. But that's the addiction.
When riders from 17 countries get together at the Lords Of Dirt, what do you think is going to happen?
Simon Moratz: We are going to destroy this place for sure. With tricks and fireworks.
Last words?
Simon Moratz: Thanks Patrick and Alba for organizing the contest. Thanks for having me! It is lots of work and you have to start early in the year. But that's what makes the contest so special. See you in Serignan!