who are standing out in your eyes?
Drew Bezanson: At 040BMXPark there are so many good kids coming up. Definitely the stand out guys that I've seen were Tom van den Bogaard and Kenneth Tancré, even though Kenneth is from Belgium.
Are you riding Dirt and Park at The Hague Pro Freestyle event?
Drew Bezanson: I will be riding both Dirt and Park at The Hague Pro Freestyle. Really looking forward to seeing the course in person.
How often do you get to ride dirt?
Drew Bezanson: I don't get to ride dirt as much as I would like. I would say I get to ride dirt once or twice a month depending on where I'm at. If I have good jumps around I'll ride them more.
Which park do you usually ride?
Drew Bezanson: The park I ride most is Joyride 150.
Have you done any curved wallrides since Uncontainable?
Drew Bezanson: Uncontainable was the last curved wall ride I did but I can't wait to ride more. They are a blast.
Do you have any special requests from the Dutch fans who are coming to the event in The Hague this weekend?
Drew Bezanson: Haha, I haven't really thought about that before. Just for everyone to come out and enjoy some action sports.
Shout outs?
Drew Bezanson: Shout out to anyone would rides BMX, follows BMX or just loves two wheels. Shout out to all my sponsors who believe in me and allow me to live my dream. Most importantly shout out to my family and friends. One love.