-What do you miss most about Australia when you're in Corona?
I would say family and friends. I’m really close with everyone and sometimes it's hard when you're down or just pissed at life and you want to be with them. I miss our beaches and warm water, I have an awesome crew back home that I surf with.

Australia is full of great riders, there’s other riders that come and go from the States undetected that are f-ing sick! Rusty is one rider that if you see ride, you're like F@%K. There is a whole bunch of talent ready to ride their arse off.

Giant is unbelievable. I have been riding for them for 6 years and they have been like a huge family for me. I have seen and been a lot of places and I owe a great deal of it to them. I couldn’t be happier with Giant.

No not really. I'm stoked on the bikes for 07/08 so maybe I will keep track now.
-Winning the Nora Cup four years in a row, how much does that do to you?
Nora Cup is a real privilege to win. It’s just a good feeling to know that fellow riders are stoked on me and my riding. It's more important than any contest win that’s for sure.

F judging events cause there’s always going to be complaints. It’s best to use the entire course with as many different tricks as possible.

I find the more you go at it than the easier it becomes…..I don’t think I have an advantage at all because when I'm trying to do 360 nohanders opposite and I get maybe 3 out of 10 it feels like shit haha.

Elevation and Dew Tour Salt Lake City.
-What course did you hate in 2007?
Dew Tour Baltimore for a few reasons.

When I rocked up and got to lay eyes on the course running down the paddock I was excited. The whole set up was fresh and brand new. Berms, grind ledges, dirt quarters, 6ft spine etc……it all was linked and looked so good. The weather sucked dogs balls and the event never got underway so I'm ready to get back in 08 and ride it.

-Having a good time seems to be high on your agenda. Pick your routine:
a) Party before qualifying
b) Party after finals
c) No partying for me
d) Party all the time
(d) Life’s too short too not have a goodtime.
-Looking forward to:
Australia, Camping, Surfing, Riding our trails in CA.
-Last words/thanks:
Thanks to family and friends. My sponsors. Keep it fun.