-Food: Mother's pancakes
-Twitter to follow: Don't use Twitter anymore
-Person on Instagram: troyka_crew
-Travel destination: Cali
-Riders to ride with: Svenulja, Ed, Kuma, Erno
-Car: Red Mitsubishi
-Movie: Blow
-Colour: Dark
-Shoes: Nike
-Bike company: Mental
-BMX contest: None
-Bike shop: Parbmx
-Restaurant chain: KFC
-Clothing company: Troyka
-Phone: Apple
-Music: hip hop
-Street rider: Devon, Garrett, Simone, Brock.
-Drink: Bombay
-Trick: Grinds
-BMX Magazine: Ridebmx
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Cards
-BMX photographer: Fooman
-BMX Filmer: Janis Cunculis
-BMX video: oss RYWS
-Website: tcu
-Party: with my friends