-Web video: There's so many now, but I always like watching something from Ruben, and Lima
-Food: There just isn't a better coffee than an Ivan's Coffee, and I love a good mixed bowl of olives.
-Person on Instagram: @markmulville, love watching his riding, @benhuckeart his art work is just mind blowing.
-Travel destination: Still yet to make it over to Spain to ride Barca, Rubens bowl and euro camp. Gunna make it happen in the new year.
-Riders to ride with: Local mates who just love having fun with riding. Is always a good time.
-Car: Merc A160
-BMX photographer: PJ Turns, Michael Ferguson
-BMX Filmer: Paul Foster, Chris Wilmshurst
-Movie: Films pretty mixed really, I like lots of different films but not really got a favourite tho.
-Colour: Changes depending on what I'm currently into, at the mo is burgundy red.
-Shoes: Vans half-cabs and some Nikes
-BMX contest: Not massively into contests, but this year the Fortes Greenache jam was pretty dam awesome tho.
-Bike shop: The Bike Shop, Tiverton, Devon
-Restaurant chain: Route 6, American diner
-Clothing company: Vamp clothing and also like a good checkered shirt
-Phone: iPhone 5s
-Music: If you had my phone or iPad you would see quite a mix of music on them ha. But can't go wrong with AC/DC, Bring me the horizon, Tame impala.
-Favourite riders: Mark Mulville, Brian Foster, Ben Hennon, Greg Illingworth
-Trick: 360's and tables. I could have a session just doing these two and have the best time on my bike.
-BMX Magazine: Ride bmx uk was awesome as a really mag, needs to come back.
-Video game: Don't play much of them but when I do I turn the 360 on. I end up getting stuck to trials hd
-Girl: Mikayla Brookes my partner in crime and best friend, along with my 6 month old little baby boy Miller.
-Sport besides BMX: Do like getting out on my mtb and road bike when I can.
-Party: Don't do many party's now but do like a good bmx jam with an after party.
Pics by PJ Turns, Michael Ferguson