-BMX video: Deadline DVD
-Website: Casualbmx.com, BMXfeed.com
-Web video: SF-it
-Food: Mexican
-Twitter to follow: @worldstarvine
-Person on Instagram: @gutterdoodles
-Travel destination: San Diego
-Riders to ride with: Jj Anderwald, J. Duke, Bastin, Dallas Dunn anyone down for a good time!
-Car: 07 WRX STI
-Movie: Blow
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: Nike Janoski
-Bike company: Fit Bike Co.
-BMX contest: Biketoberfest Clairemont YMCA
-Bike shop: Casual BMX/Incycle
-Restaurant chain: Alberto's
-Clothing company: Volcom
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Meek Mill radio
-Ramp rider: Chase Hawk
-Street rider: Devon Smillie
-Dirt rider: Sergio Layos
-Flatland rider: Sean McKinney
-Old school rider: Garrett Byrnes
-Drink: AZ Cranberry Ice Tea
-Trick: Smith Hard one
-BMX Magazine: BMX Plus!
-BMX MC: Darryl Nau
-Video game: BMX Streets (iPhone)
-BMX photographer: Jeremy Pavia
-BMX Filmer: #KellyBolton
-Girl: My girl!
-Sport besides BMX: Moto
-Party: Life!
All Photos taken by Dallas Dunn (@dallas_dunn)?