-Movie: So much
-Colour: blue
-Shoes: Nike 6.0
-Bike company: Can be.. Ares bikes
-BMX contest: Red Bull Circle of Balance
-Bike shop: Caupolican (Chile)
-Restaurant chain: Barloa (Mendoza)
-Clothing company: Coconut
-Phone: Nokia
-Music: Post Rock, Hiphop, Indie
-Ramp rider: Mark Webb
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: I don't know
-Flatland rider: Viki Gomez
-Old school rider: Daniel Molina (Argentina)
-Drink: te
-Trick: Junk yard pedal one hand
-BMX Magazine: Art Bmx!
-BMX MC: Scott O'brien
-Video game: Batle city
-BMX photographer: Gabriel Higa "Miyagi san"
-BMX Filmer: Sevisual
-Girl: Leticia Bufoni
-Sport besides BMX: Not practice but I can see football, tennis and unycicle xtreme
-Party: Tomorrowland