Name: Joel Bondu
Age: 19
Hometown: Montreal, Canada
Hook-ups/Sponsors: totalbmx, prime time, Marseil bike shop
The favorite list:
-Spot to ride: Taz
-Web video: l'll have a couple of new videos coming, stay tuned.
-Food: Poutine
-BMX contest: Toronto jam, Fise.
-Person on Instagram: joelbondu
-Travel destination: Probably Simple Session and Fise and other if l can
-Car: If it rolls, it's good
-Colour: Green
-Shoes: l ride old shoes that l stitch back up because l have no help for the moment
-Bike shop: Marseil
-Restaurant chain: Belle province
-Clothing company: Prime Time
-Phone: iphone 6
-Music: Pinback, Ratata
-Ramp rider: Hugo Larochelle
-Street rider: Justin Huge, Joel Marchant
-Flatland rider: Jean William, Jason Plourde
-Old school rider: Max Vincent
-Drink: water
-Trick: whip to bar and tech tricks
-Video game: Dave Mirra
-Bike company: total bmx
-BMX photographer: Oierre Luc Masse
-BMX Filmer: Tyler Rizzi, Vlad Poloukhine
-Sport besides BMX: mountain bike