-Web video: all Smillie, Barraco and Reynolds ones
-Food: it just has to taste good!
-Instagram to follow: @SVENAVEMARIA
-Person on Instagram: Simone Barraco
-Travel destination: Spain and Portugal
-Riders to ride with: all my friends out there!
-Car: Renault Kangoo
-Movie: there are too many good ones to mention one
-Colour: blue
-Shoes: I don't care as long as they're durable
-Bike company: they're all awesome
-BMX contest: BMX Männle Turnier Tuttlingen!
-Bike shop: I cannot mention a special one
-Restaurant chain: I would choose SUBWAY
-Clothing company: UrbanClassics
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Indie/ Alternative/ 80's
-Ramp rider: Kevin Peraza
-Street rider: Barraco and Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Aitken forever
-Old school rider: Steven Hamilton forever
-Flatland rider: The homie - Markus Schwital and Matthias Dandois
-BMX Magazine: I cannot mention a special one - they are all awesome
-Drink: water
-Trick: barspins (and pull-up barspins, haha)
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Tetris?! haha
-BMX photographer: Vince Perraud and Tim Korbmacher
-BMX Filmer: I would say: John Hicks
-Girl: I love girls!
-Sport besides BMX: SKATEBOARDING and photography
-Party: everywhere with good friends!
Photo credits: Selfie, Elia Dreier, Jan Schoeffel, Christian Kramer