Kevin Fabregue: Almost! Only beacuse my bike didn't have any lights on it. My friend figured a way to managed us and we didn't get any fines.
What's your nickname?
Kevin Fabregue: People often call me by my last name. Some losers call me Fabby haha but I prefer Kevin.
Who is the biggest legend you've seen at your local park?
Kevin Fabregue: Max Vincent. I had the chance to ride with him a couple years ago when I started bmx. He's definetly one of the greatest I've seen at my local park.
Last time you rode stoned/drunk?
Kevin Fabregue: Never. I've never rode while drunk.
Have you ever been caught by the police?
Kevin Fabregue: Nop
Worst BMX injury you've had?
Kevin Fabregue: I fell on my tailbone once. The healing was so long, I was not able to ride for a while.
Highest amount you paid for luggage?
Kevin Fabregue: 50$
Stoked to be going to Simple Session?
Kevin Fabregue: Really! It's the competition I've been dreaming about since I started. It will be nothing but fun and great memories.
Thanks to: Thanks to everyone who made this contest. My sponsors and parents for everything