you can take. I have seen a few big crashes but the couple that stood out were Kevin Peraza's and Garry Young's.
Peraza was going at some speed for a frontflip from a bank covering some distance into another quarter that was quite below the first one. Instead of landing into the quarter he landed at the end of it with his front wheel first doing another frontflip off his bike. And you know, the crash is impressive, but what really confused my brain was that he stood up and went for another one. I was like “What!”.
Another one was when Gary Young tried a gap in SimpelSession 2014. He failed to clear and it worked out that the bike bounced off the corner of the ramp straight into his face. Shout out for taking it like a boss!
Have you ever eaten fast food for a month straight?
David Budko: Not really. Not even for few days haha. I don’t enjoy fast food because what it does to you. I like to keep my body clean. Then your mind stays clean as well.
Have you ever totaled a car?
David Budko: No, I haven’t. But I do manage to escape some crazy situations on the streets.
Did you ever get a fine for riding BMX?
David Budko: Depends on how you look at it. Let’s say there was an attempt to fine me when I was riding in Russia. I just bribed the cop and continued the day! haha
What's your nickname?
David Budko: Budko 4000
Who is the biggest legend you've seen at your local park?
David Budko: Brad Simms! Shout out to the man! He was the first pro rider to visit my hometown. Everyone is welcome here!
Last time you rode stoned/drunk?
David Budko: I don’t smoke at all and don’t ride drunk, but what saves my hangovers is a brutal session the next day in the skatepark. After a good ride I feel like I have redeemed my sins from what happened the night before.
Have you ever been caught by the police?
David Budko: Not really
Worst BMX injury you've had?
David Budko: I had a faceplant in a competition called Karramba in my town. Knocked few teeth out and stayed unconscious for some time. Recovery lasted a good few weeks I think. When I was good to ride again the first thing I went for was the trick on which I messed up. Trying to stay strong in the game.
Highest amount you paid for luggage?
David Budko: Something around 200 euros when they found that I have a bicycle in my bag. Now i have a perfect Vans/NorthFace bag set-up which doesn't stand out too much.
Stoked to be going to Simple Session?
David Budko: Yeah, I’m properly stoked for it! Cannot wait to hang out with all the riders from all around the world.
Thanks to: My family, my friends and my sponsors and for the support throughout the years! Thanks to Bart for the interview and Kalmre brothers for making the SS’16 happen. Peace!