When you pick an event, what are some of your personal requierments to make the decision to go to the event?
Cam Peake: When I pick an event, I see where it is, watch the highlights from previous years to see if it looks any good and see who is going.
Is prize money a factor when you want to go to an event but don't have the funds to get there?
Cam Peake: I'd say so yes because it can get me to other places afterwards too but even if there is no prize money and for charity or something I will still go to the contest. I did a contest in Czech Republic for charity and that was a lot of fun.
The Pro Freestyle contest in The Hague is the third edition of Pro Freestyle events. Is it your first time?
Cam Peake: This will be my first time yes, and I cannot wait to be there.
The riders list has some big names on it. Does it motivate you to go big in The Hague?
Cam Peake: Yes it motivates me to go there and ride the best I can and try and get that top spot.
When do you usually get to an event to have enough practice time before the contest starts?
Cam Peake: Usually the contest is on a Saturday and Sunday so I will aim to get there for around midday Friday so I can ride Friday afternoon to get the feel for everything.
When you feel out the ramps, do you know instantly what tricks you can do on them?
Cam Peake: Yes pretty much, after about 10 minutes of flowing around I'll try do some combo's to get the feel for them.
After practice, do you think about putting lines together with tricks that you are going to do in your runs?
Cam Peake: After practice I will just look at the course on a photo in the hotel room and just plan some tricks in that I want to do and a route around the course and then the practice before qualification I will do my run without the tricks to see how it works.
Do you hate being the first rider up or does that not bother you much?
Cam Peake: I'm not a big fan to be honest but if I am then I will just get on with it and ride my best.
Do you generally watch everyone ride during the contest?
Cam Peake: Yes I love watching everyone ride, watch everyone kill it and see the crazy stuff that goes down.
Does that influence the tricks you're going to do in your run(s)?
Cam Peake: Sometimes I will change a couple of tricks around to a bigger trick but other than that I won't change anything.
Are you looking forward to The Hague much?
Cam Peake: I am so excited for The Hague, see all my friends, ride a new contest, send it in my runs and it's just going to be a sick time.
Last words/thanks?
Cam Peake: A huge thanks to my Mum and Dad for supporting me so much over the years, and especially my mum for sorting out my diary of contests for the year haha!