-Bmx contest: Texas Toast
-Clothing company: Vans
-BMX video: Anthem II
-Web video: Deadline
-Food: Burgers
-Twiter to follow: no
-Person on instagram: Luislillog
-Riders to ride with: I like to ride with Courage Adams, Adrian Duquela, Matias Nicolas
-Car: Volkswagen polo
-Movie: Pulp Fiction
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Vans (Gilbert Crocket)
-Bike company: Bannedbmx, FBM, Animalbikes
-Bike shop: Sourcebmx
-Restaurant chain: Foster´s hollywood
-Website: TCU
-Phone: Samsung galaxy s3
-Music: HIP HOP
-Ramp rider: Trey Jones
-Street rider: Courage Adams
-Dirt rider: Dennis Ennarson
-Flatland Rider: Viki Gomez
-Old school rider: Dave Osato
-Drink: Beer
-Trick: toothpick stall E.T. (in half pipe)
-Bmx magazine: Dig bmx magazine
-Bmx MC: Catfish
-Video game: GTA San andreas
-Bmx photographer: Ismael Ibañez
-Bmx filmer: Richard Forne
-Girl: A lot of them
-Sport besides BMX: Basketball, motocross
-Party: Marisquiño partys all day hahah ;)