-Website: Vital bmx
-Web video: Harrymainia 1, it started all for me
-Food: Empanadas
-Twitter to follow: Don't really use it
-Person on Instagram: @cocozurita love his feed
-Travel destination: San Diego
-Riders to ride with: All the homies back in Chile especially with Juani Zurita, Victor Muñoz, Maca Perez, Nacho Infante. In the USA I like to ride with Parker Heath, Alex Cazares, Ratty Maty, all the Peraza's and all the people that I've met actually.
-Car: Subaru Impreza wax sti hatchback
-Movie: Avengers
-Colour: White
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Demolition
-BMX contest: FISE, all of them
-Bike shop: ibikes (Chile)
-Restaurant chain: In-n-Out
-Clothing company: Vans
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Rock
-Ramp rider: Kevin Peraza
-Street rider: Dennis Enarson
-Dirt rider: Anthony Napolitan
-Flatland rider: Benja Hudson
-Old school rider: Ryan Nyquist
-Drink: Coke
-Trick: No hands, don't have to think it twice
-BMX Magazine: Ride bmx
-Video game: Mario kart for Nintendo 64
-BMX photographer: Ryan Fudger
-BMX Filmer: Juani Zurita
-Girl: Macarena Perez, best girl rider ever!
-Sport besides BMX: Nothing really, maybe golfing with my dad sometimes
-Party: Any party at a good friend's house
All the photos are taken by Juani Zurita exept the New York ones, those are from Josefina Cedano