Sarah Lampert: Not that many, there are a few contests I actually enjoy going to. The US open was really my only event this year and that took up the greater part of 1-2 weeks of summer. I was potentially going to go to X games as well this year but that fell through. I was also casted in a few commercials and music videos this year, those gigs probably took up another week's worth of time too.
What was the best event you went to this year that gets your vote?
Sarah Lampert: Honestly (if this even counts) I had the best time at Woodward West's Girls Rule week. Getting to kick back and learn a few new tricks with my friends is the best.
What contest placing were you stoked on this year?
Sarah Lampert: None. haha
What trick/move were you happy to pull for the first time this year?
Sarah Lampert: Not dying while riding bigger transition, first of all. Also, being able to fold a little baby table at the US open tickled my fancy.
What BMX move stands out the most to you that somebody did this year?
Sarah Lampert: Laura Lessman's bar-crank flip at Cheng Du. Angie's extended one-footer at Cheng Du. Lastly, Charlotte Worthington (I don't think she competed this year but don't quote me on that) is always throwing flairs and bars like they're nothing.
Who had the best looking bike in 2017?
Sarah Lampert: Tough to say, Preston Okert has a pretty fresh looking whip right now.... but also so does Angie.
Who had the best video/video-part that stuck out to you?
Sarah Lampert: Dan Foley's "Still Filming"
What was your worst injury in 2017?
Sarah Lampert: I blew out my knee pretty bad in the earlier part of this year, luckily nothing broke or tore but I definitely did not ride for 2-3 weeks.
Worst thing that happened while you’re on the road?
Sarah Lampert: I always get stuck having to take people all around town because they forget to pack essentials for BMX trips like jeans... it's not the end of the world but it gets old, fast.
How many flat tires did you have the past 12 months?
Sarah Lampert: Hard to remember but not many.... 3?
Best meal you had?
Sarah Lampert: Definitely my birthday dinner; Creamy pesto shrimp pasta, Duck confit mac N' cheese, Rattlesnake and Germain-Robin Superieure.
Best party you visited in 2017?
Sarah Lampert: The one I hosted for Halloween.
Raddest person you got to hang out with this year?
Sarah Lampert: The girls I don't get to see regularly like Maca, Angie, Perris and Nikki.
Best thing you saw in 2017?
Sarah Lampert: A meteor shower while camping out in Big Bear.
Plans for 2018?
Sarah Lampert: To scare myself more on my bike and see more places.