-Riders to ride with: All the local Village riders!
-Car: Any s-chassis!
-Movie: Step brothers
-Colour: Black
-Web video: The Viltape
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Colony
-BMX contest: X-games, the FISE series
-Bike shop: The Village bmx
-Restaurant chain: Dominos
-Clothing company: Unit
-Phone: iPhone!
-Music: Anything rock! New or old
-Ramp rider: Logan Martin/Dennis Enarson
-Street rider: Trey Jones
-Dirt rider: Clint Reynolds
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Nothing like a Captain n coke!
-Trick: 720 and flairs!
-BMX Magazine: 2020
-BMX MC: Give me a megaphone and I got it!
-Video game: Call of Duty zombies
-BMX photographer: @waynecant
-BMX Filmer: Tyler Rizzi
-Girl: My girlfriend of course!
-Sport besides BMX: Snowboarding
-Party: The Village indoor skatepark on a Wednesday night is a party!