-Food: Hot Dogs
-Person on Instagram: @MAX_ESSER_BMX
-Travel destination: Barcelona, New York
-Riders to ride with: Giano Vacca and the other local riders
-Car: Ford Mondeo
-Movie: none
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Huf
-Bike company: BSD and wethepeople
-BMX contest: The Promise 3rd Place
-Restaurant chain: Burger King
-Clothing company: Key Street
-Phone: IPhone 8
-Music: Oldschool rap
-Ramp rider: Alex Haim
-Street rider: Broc Raiford
-Dirt rider: Pat Casey
-Flatland rider: Kevin Nikulski
-Drink: Beer
-Trick: one foot nose manual, tailwhips
-BMX Magazine: freedombmx
-Video game: bmxstreet
-BMX photographer: @lennardsworld
-BMX Filmer: @lennardsworld
-Girl: none
-Party: wherever my dudes are at