-Web video: Tom Dugan "Bad Idea" or Chad Osburn "Full Speed Through the Southwest"
-Food: I'm a big fan of pasta but I'll eat just about anything that isn't black liquorice
-Twitter to follow: @loneblockbuster. Pure hilarity
-Person on Instagram: @drandallblythe. He's the lead singer of one of the biggest metal bands on the planet but you'd never guess it from his Instagram. So down to earth.
-Website: These days it's probably pinkbike.com #mtblife
-Travel destination: I really wanna get to Venice before it's swallowed up by the sea
-Riders to ride with: The Weird & Revered homies!
-Car: 2nd gen Camaro
-Movie: The Road. So dark
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Nike hightops
-Bike company: Probably Bone Deth. Maybe Shadow Conspiracy
-BMX contest: The ghetto ones FBM puts on where they build crazy stuff out of garbage
-Bike shop: House of Wheels. Mud Sweat & Gears has always treated me good, too
-Restaurant chain: Freshii. Eat healthy ma dudes
-Clothing company: Whichever one manufactures the band shirts I buy at concerts
-Phone: Anything but iPhone
-Music: Pantera, Iced Earth, Soilwork, 3 Inches of Blood... METAL!
-Ramp rider: Chase Hawk (Tom Dugan in 2nd)
-Street rider: Sean Burns (also Tom Dugan in 2nd)
-Dirt rider: Cody Gessel
-Flatland rider: Percy Marshall
-Old school rider: Nyquist
-Drink: A nice pint of pitch black stout
-Trick: 360s always feel good
-BMX Magazine: RideBMX, RIP
-Video game: Assassin's Creed 2, Uncharted 2, Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2!
-BMX photographer: Justin Schwanke
-BMX Filmer: Justin Schwanke
-Girl: My lady
-Sport besides BMX: MTB
-Party: Sure?