-Shoes: Puma
-Bike company: Fareast cycles
-BMX contest: O Marisquiño
-Bike shop: Trapagabike and Action wheels
-Restaurant chain: No favourites!
-Clothing company: Ikusiarte
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Dub and drum&bass
-Ramp rider: Joel Bondu
-Street rider: Luis Lillo
-Dirt rider: Arkaitz Armendariz
-Flatland rider: Hirokazu Miura
-Old school rider: Chad Degroot
-Drink: Lemonade
-Trick: Pivots tricks and Blenders
-BMX Magazine: Digbmx
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: The last of us
-BMX photographer: Ismael Ibañez
-BMX Filmer: Sevisual
-Girl: Circus and Rasta Girls
-Sport besides BMX: Handstand and circus disciplines
-Party: Raves and Sound systems