-Person on Instagram: @therealjrhobbs shameless plug hahaha
-Travel destination: Brisbane Australia, great people and great parks
-Riders to ride with: Thomas Sanders, Eric Brown and Trevor Matthew
-Car: VW GTI
-Movie: Moana, that movie is hype
-Colour: Gunmetal Grey
-Shoes: Vans Kyle Walkers
-Bike company: Profile Racing
-BMX contest: FLBMX Series
-Bike shop: J&R Bikes
-Restaurant chain: Five Guys
-Clothing company: LYN BMX
-Phone: The newest iPhone
-Music: Anything from Demi Lovato to Nekrogoblikon
-Ramp rider: Mark Webb
-Street rider: Dennis Enarson
-Dirt rider: Corey Nastazio
-Flatland rider: Terry Adams
-Old school rider: Eric Brown
-Drink: Strawberry Daiquiri
-Trick: Flairs on stupid setups
-BMX Magazine: The old Ride BMX Mags
-BMX MC: Jamie Bestwick
-Video game: Among Us
-BMX photographer: My camera on a tripod hahaha
-BMX Filmer: Thomas Sanders
-Girl: Liz my beautiful wife
-Sport besides BMX: Quidditch