-Bike company: Probably Subrosa or Cult
-BMX contest: I was a huge fan of the recent USL video contest
-Bike shop: B line or B and P Cycle
-Restaurant chain: Tim Hortons
-Clothing company: 403crew!
-Phone: Nokia 3210
-Music: Mainly rap but I listen to a wide variety of stuff
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson
-Street rider: Devon Smillie
-Dirt rider: Mike Aiken
-Flatland rider: Matt Wilhelm
-Old school rider: Taj Mihelich
-Drink: Orange juice
-Trick: Manuals
-BMX Magazine: BMX PLUS!
-Video game: Netflix
-BMX Filmer: Austin Odegnal!
-Girl: My girlfriend!
-Sport besides BMX: Kendama
-Party: Last place you’ll catch me haha