-Food: All of Street Kitchen Hanover (Viet Food)
-Person on Instagram: @credence_bikes
-Travel destination: Spain
-Riders to ride with: Erik Schulenburg, Tim Beier, Christian Masur, Sascha Wolters and so many more
-Car: Campervans
-Movie: The Art of Flight, 2 Fast 2 Furious
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Vans Old Skool Pro and Nike Janoski
-Bike company: Mutiny, T1
-BMX contest: Any Trails Jam, Vans Pro Cup
-Bike shop: Bikers Base
-Restaurant chain: non
-Clothing company: diy printed stuff
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Indierock, Rock, Metal, New Wave
-Ramp rider: Corey Walsh, Teresa Fernández-Miranda
-Street rider: Boyd Hilder, Kilian Roth
-Dirt rider: Matt Priest
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Nina Buitrago (not because she’s old school but because she’s a pioneer for girls in freestyle BMX!)
-Drink: Beer
-Trick: Nohand
-BMX Magazine: freedom BMX
-BMX MC: Darryl Nau
-Website: digbmx
-Video game: Mario Kart
-BMX photographer: Richard Forne
-BMX Filmer: Richard Forne
-Sport besides BMX: Snowboarding, surfing
-Party: Any BMX Aftershow Party
By Dan Meyer By Andreas Kuhsel By Andy Müller, By Nikolei Stark