Name: Nicky van der Veen Age: 18
Hometown: Den Haag aka The Hague, Netherlands
The favorite list: -Spot to ride: Rampworkx!, Corby, Skateland and Newpact
-BMX video: Etnies underground, Odsy Electronical and Red bull loaded.
-Website:, and
-Food: Pizza!
-Riders to ride with: Virgil Persad, Channon Belanio, Barry Kohne, Mark Vos, Maityn Pedroso, Kees Schelfhout, Brendan van Leeuwen and loads of people from the United Kingdom! Heck yeah!
-Car: Pontiac firebbird
-Movie: Into the wild, Green mile and all the movies with
Will Smith.
-Colour: Green and purple!
-Shoes: Nike 6.0
-Bike company: Unknown aka. UKBIKEcompany
-BMX contest: The Masters and contest at Mellowpark!
-Street spot: Here at the dock near my house.
-Clothing company: Nike 6.0
-Phone: Sony Ericson W910I
-Game: FEAR 2 and Gears of war 2 (Yep I am a game nerd).
-Music: at the moment City and Colour and AC/DC, Motley Crue, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, MGMT and a lot more!
-Bike shop: Paulsboutique, Soulcycle and Pauls
-Band: The Beatles
-Drink: Rockstar energy drink
-Trick: Flipwhips!
-BMX Magazine: UK Ride