Name: Austin Coleman Age: 25
Hometown: Lake Forest, CA
The favorite list: -Spot to ride: RSA Skate Park, Costa Mesa, CA (RIP)
-BMX video: Standard Style Cats
-Website: Myspace
-Food: Oatmeal w/ Rasins
-Riders to ride with: Mirra, Laird, Spinner, Napolitan, Mast, Snowden, Mancuso, Nyquist, Marcus Tooker and
Alan Cooke-Car: Audi S4 Avant B7 (in black please)
-Movie: Man on Fire. Denzel flick
-Colour: Brown
-BMX contest: Original Huntington Beach King of Dirt
-Street spot: Downtown L.A. Backlot Barrier
-Bike shop: Morning Ride BMX Lake Forest, CA
-Clothing company: Triple Five Soul
-Shoes: Run DMC Adidas Superstar
-Phone: BlackBerry, Crackberry
-Game: Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction for PS3. (great for rehabing injuries)
-Music: Rock, Hip/hop, Rock/hop.
-Band: Jimmy Eat World
-Drink: The Looong Island
-Trick: Downside Whip
-BMX Magazine: If it has shred maneuvers in it, it's good.