Name: Simone "kid" BarracoAge: 17
Hometown: Genova, Italy
Sponsors:, Nike6.0, Oakley
The favorite list:-Spot to ride: Genova' street, Milano's bowl, Barbero's park
-BMX video: Writing on the wall
-Website: FATBMX, deadline, thecomeup,,!
-Food: grandmother's food!
-Riders to ride with: all my friends, all!
-Car: no car
-Movie: Ali G
-Colour: all colours
-Shoes: Nike 6.0 mavrk black\white
-Bike company: Fit, Subrosa, Fly,
Mirraco, Premium.
-Italian rider: Alessandro Barbero,
FEFè and all my best friends....
Stefan Lantschner,and
Alessandro Froio -BMX contest: Simpel Session
-Street spot: Genova street!
-Bike shop: I love
-Clothing company: Oakley
-Phone: Nokia
-Music: rap, punk
-Drink: apple juice
-Trick: tuck no hander, barspin stuff
-BMX Magazine: Dig bmx