-Shoes: Osiris Boaters, in the fake brown Croc skin.
-Bike company: Pretty psyched on Eastern right now
-BMX contest: I like them all. It's just an excuse to hang out with people I don't get to see enough of.
-Bike shop: Dick Mauls.
-Clothing company: Leigh House
-Phone: iPhone has taken over my life.
-Music: I'm a big Pixies fan, but I downloaded a Brittany Spears song last week.
-Ramp rider: Morgan Wade

-Dirt rider: Dennis Enerson
-Flatland rider: Ummm. . . Catfish?
-Drink: Fresca
-Trick: 720s
-BMX Magazine: RIDE BMX
-Girl: Miss Jac!
-Sport besides BMX: Racquetball
-Party: Halloween, always.
The invert photo was taken by Tyler Northrup and the Cement quarter one was taken by Terrell Gordy.