-Bike company: Failure bikes
-BMX contest: Jomo pro
-Bike shop: Albe's
-Clothing company: Levi's, Fox
-Phone: LG
-Food: Bacon cheese burger
-Riders to ride with: Anyone that is down for some fun
-Car: 2002 Ford focus
-Movie: Forgetting Sarah Mashalle
-Colour: Black,brown.
-Shoes: Nike 6.0
-Website: vital b m x.
-Music: Dare, Notorious

-Street rider: Nathan Williams
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: Matt Willhelm
-Drink: h2o
-Trick: Three superman seat grab
-BMX Magazine: Ride bmx
-Girl: My girlfriend Katie
-Sport besides BMX: Basketball
-Party: Every party
Photos by:
Jorge Jovel (top three)
Todd Nichols (bottom 2)