BMX Video: Nike 6.0 TV Show: Wallace and Gromit
Memory: Highway to Hill contest at Mellow park
Riders to ride with: anyone who smiles while they ride
Website: zealbmx.com
Web Video: Mike King's Estonia edit

Street/Park riders: Jason Phelan and Bomb head, James Ivett
Dirt Riders: Nyquist, Enarson
Flat Riders: Michael Sommer
Food: Pizza
Drink: Tea
Trick: barspin
BMX contest: Highway to hill 2008
BMX Shop: Cyclone R.I.P
BMX Company: Mankind BMX
Magazine: Ride UK
Sport besides BMX: Midget tossing
Party: Hell yerr
Movie: anything, I love a good movie
Music: I like everything
Band: MGMT at the moment

Shoes: Cheap
Clothing Company: Mankind Ts, Tescos jeans
Phone: Cheap and simple
Girl: I’m up for a sesh
Car: I need a license first
Pics by: The Rolling Image dot com