-Shoes: VANS
-Bike company: Simple
-BMX contest: Streetjams anytime
-Bike shop: Pauls Boutique

-Clothing company: H&M pants & BMX brands for the rest
-Phone: Sony Ericson C902
-Music: Hardcore, Metal, Drumn Bass, Breakcore
-Ramp rider: Harry Main
-Street rider: Ty Morrow
-Dirt rider: Chase Hawk
-Flatland rider: Mathias Dondois
-Old school rider: DMC

-Movie: Pulp Fiction
-Drink: Coffee, Shakes, Beer, Vodka & Whiskey
-Trick: Barspins
-Restaurant chain: Burger King
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK
-Video game: Not into that…
-BMX photographer: Rutger Pauw
-Girl: My leopard print lover
-Sport besides BMX: A little bit of miniramp skateboarding
-Party: Alcoholic ones
Pics by: Rutger Pauw, Jos Wissink & Brendan Oerlemans