-Car: I'm claustrophobic I can't drive haha.
-Movie: American History X was real good.
-Colour: Black even though that's not an actual color.
-Shoes: Etnies or Vans.
-Bike company: Proper, F-it, I don't care as long as the parts ride nice haha.
-BMX contest: Not into that stuff too much, bunnyhop contests are fun.

-Bike shop: Paul's Boutique
-Restaurant chain: Daily Wok !!!
-Clothing company: American Apparel? Bmx wise I'd say Fremont.
-Phone: I always lose mine, or break it, or have no money for it. I don't even own one right now.
-Music: Old rock music is sweet, Motown stuff is nice aswell. Old music mostly.
-Ramp rider: Nicky van der Veen, and Darryl Tocco's tech tricks are just insane.
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds, no explanation needed.

-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken, truly a legend.
-Flatland rider: Terry Adams
-Old school rider: Fids
-Drink: Water, I'm a healthy kid.
-Trick: Grinds and barspins!
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK!
-BMX MC: Catfish, funniest dude ever.
-Video game: I'm a Final Fantasy nerd haha.
-BMX photographer: Rutger Pauw.
-Girl: My girlfriend Merel, she's the best, always letting me go out to ride and stuff, she's cool.
-Sport besides BMX: I used to play basketball, nothing at the moment though.
-Party: I'm not much of a party guy, I just chill.