-Riders to ride with: Martti Kuoppa, Kotaro Tanaka
-Car: Pontiac fire bird
-Movie: God father
-Colour: water
-Shoes: Odessa
-Bike company: KGB
-BMX contest: COB
-Bike shop: Action wheels, Madrid
-Restaurant chain: Taco bell
-Clothing company: Innertwine
-Phone: Homo phone
-Music: All art music
-Ramp rider: Sergio Layos
-Street rider: Ruben Alcantara

-Dirt rider: Perico
-Flatland rider: Martti
-Old school rider: Chase
-Drink: Water
-Trick: whiplashes
-BMX Magazine: BMX plus
-BMX MC: Michael black electro
-Video game: F1
-BMX photographer: Rutger Pauw
-Girl: Anyone that moves..
-Sport besides BMX: Go Kart
-Party: No more tks ! jajaja
Pics: BdJ + RedBull