-Website: Fatbmx - Vitalbmx
-Web video: Webbies & Harry's
-Food: Mums food and Noodle soop!
-Travel destination: Germany
-Riders to ride with: Celso - Youssef - Jori and the other WB locals!
-Car: Alfa Romeo
-Movie: Funny people
-Colour: Purple - black
-Shoes: Nike 6.0 oncore
-Bike company: Flybike
-BMX contest: Bmx masters
-Bike shop: Soulcycle

-Restaurant chain: Daily Wok
-Clothing company: Nike 6.0
-Phone: Non Iphone
-Music: Any music I can ride whit.
-Ramp rider: Brett Banasiewicz (Maddog)
-Street rider: Garret Renolds
-Dirt rider: Anthony Napolitan
-Flatland rider: Sietse van Berkel
-Old school rider: Jean Delanoy! haha
-Drink: Monster Energy
-Trick: Flips
-BMX Magazine: Cream
-BMX MC: Catfish!

-Video game: Guitar Hero
-BMX photographer: Remie Kranendonk
-Girl: I guess that's my bike.. Eltoria sounds OK
-Sport besides BMX: Hopefully someday FMX!
-Party: Zwarte Cross