-Riders to ride with: Niek, Bas, Mart, Patflip, Jelmer, Bef
-Car: Opel Agila 1,2L , Corvette
-Movie: The godfather 1,2,3
-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: Vans, Nike6.0
-Bike company: Profile, Odessey
-BMX contest: Masters
-Bike shop: Soulcycle
-Restaurant chain: Doner Company
-Clothing company: H&M Pants, The Sting
-Phone: Samsung Touchwiz
-Ramp rider: Nicky, Channon
-Street rider: Thomas, Roy
-Dirt rider: Patflip, Jeremy Muller
-Flatland rider: Dez Maarssen
-Old school rider: Erik Vlaardingenbroek
-Drink: BEER!
-Trick: 360 combo
-BMX Magazine: RIDEUK
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: None
-BMX photographer: Dennis Katinas
-Girl: All cure girls!
-Sport besides BMX: Bmx race, Snowboarding
-Party: I am in for All