-BMX video: errrrrrr can't think, Dorkin's
-Website: James White's blog
-Web video: too many to mention
-Food: my wife's cookin
-Travel destination: London day in day out
-Riders to ride with: James White
-Car: VW campervan 79
-Movie: mmmmmmmmmm
-Colour: intense blue
-Shoes: ones that are cheap and feel good to ride in
-Bike company: I think Quamen do the best quality bikes out
-BMX contest: Level Vibes
-Bike shop: EDWARDES
-Restaurant chain: Kennedy's fish and chips
-Clothing company: supplied by wife
-Phone: one that works
-Music: anything
-Street rider: That crazy fucker from Southsea
-Dirt rider: no idea
-Flatland rider: Martti Kuoppa for still dropping bombs and James White for still progressing at 64
-Old school rider: Dennis McCoy
-Drink: water
-Trick: trick of finding time to ride
-BMX Magazine: FAT mag of course (you owe me a beer)
-BMX MC: James White you can't understand a word he says
-Video game: no time
-BMX photographer: the one that gets good shots
-Girl: My amazing wife
-Sport besides BMX: cycle couriering 1300km 1500km a month yawn
-Party: the one inside my head
Pics from Phil's Facebook album.