Championships at the Helm Trails on 1 May 2011 so any promotion we can do for that will help. At least I think it will help. Then there's a personal profile on Facebook where people leave messages as well so I need to login to that a couple of times a day as well. This is what I do every day, and that includes Saturday and Sunday. When 10.000 people visit the FATBMX site on a daily basis, I feel they want to see something new, so I want to give it to them. Sometimes it goes (too) fast, but at least you can count on something to view or read when you stop by.
And then there are the regular e-mails that come in on the EBC, FATBMX and Mirrabikeco addresses, between 70-100 a day that need answering. Talking about Mirra Bike Co, I've got my hands full working for them as well by answering their mail, making updates to the site, posting those on the Mirraco Myspace, the Mirraco Vital profile plus there's a Mirraco Twitter too in case it's needed. Believe me when I say that the day is never stale, and never the same.
Lately I've been spending time on putting together a Dirt Series in The Netherlands. We've got 6 on the calendar with more to follow. Dates needed to be picked, flyers needed to be made, sponsors are contacted, and info needs to be spread. The social media helps in that field so you'll be hearing about these events in the near future. But it all adds to the daily workload and I've got to fit it in somehow.
The 2011 BMX event schedule is starting to look full. I'm sure I'll be on the road for 25-30 weekends out of the year once again. To bring you the reports, to get in touch with the riders, the event organizers, talk to sponsors, or judge an event. And if there's time for a party, I'll be there too.
Do you still ride? is another one of those questions. Yes, when I can find the time. I'm stoked on the weekly private sessions we've been having and the weather is slowly getting better so we can hit up the dirt again. It's the best feeling to be on the bike even if there's no need to learn the latest tricks.
Not that you asked for it, but this shows a bit what goes on over here. I'm in my 10th year of being self employed trying to make a living off of BMX. It's worked so far and I wouldn't mind adding another ten years to it even if it means 10-12 hour "work days". Pling! some mails came in, gonna check what's up.