Staats Bicycles teamed up with Sponsor House to award the Grand Prize Winner of the Sponsor House survey; a complete Staats jumper bike, which retails for $650. Nicole took the time to fill out the 60 question survey that focuses not only on demographic and psychographic rider background, but also on how athletes interact with the Sponsor House site as well as other web sites. Sponsor House uses this information to determine what new features to offer to improve the next version of SponsorHouse, which will be launched this July.
“Staats is excited to work with Sponsor House to award our jumper bike as the Grand Prize to a cool athlete like Nicole. Nicole was very thankful and excited when she found out she won,” offered Staats’
Jason Halverson. Nicole is now using her new Staats jumper bike to dial in her 2 wheel bike skills so she is more confident when she is bar-banging on the mini bike race track.
“I had a great time on the bike! I love the brakes and the top speed! This is going to be a new sport for me to try (as opposed to the board and motor sports!) Thanks,” quoted Nicole after her first day on her bike.