Look out for the Padded Cell road trip from London to Aberdeen from the 16th - 24th September. It will be in BMX publications and we hope to make a DVD of the trip..... so keep an eye out for that later this year. Here is the line up so far. Some names you may know and others not but they are all shredders:
James Hitchcox (Standard, Odyssey)
Frank Macchio (Alone, Manmade)
Darren Meenan (Manmade)
Joe Cox (Sunday, Gsport)
Cam Hardy (Odyssey UK, Sputnic)
Ben Manual (Odyssey UK, Alone)
Mike Taylor (Sunday, Gsport, BSD)
Neil Keddie (Alone)
Tony Watkinson (Twenty)
Sam Ward (Redline)
Jim Cielencki (Sunday, Odyssey).
There are a few names left to add, look out for more details in the near future!