It's 25 March today. Just got back from shaping the trails. We've got a jam coming up this weekend so things need to get ready. On Saturday the "mini-FAT-JAM" will take off with a mini-ramp jam on Saturday and dirt session at the Sugar Hills on Sunday.
We're functioning on automatic pilot when it comes to these jams. Putting on BMX events for almost 20 years has given us enough experience to know what needs to be done. It's actually quite easy to organize a jam but you have to make a step and go out and do it.
We're not expecting anything big this weekend. The weather is supposed to be nice so that will help a lot. We'll put up the easy-up tents, place some trash bags, take care of some music and leave the riding up to the riders. It beats riding by yourself and will motivate you to go for that one trick you've been working on. Also it's possible to pick up ideas for new tricks and get tips from the riders on the deck. No pressure, no entry fees, no contest, just riding with a bunch of people. Isn't that what it's all about?
The Dutch freestyle scene has been a healthy one over the years. It's because of the low budgets of the little jams and the poorness of the riders. Somehow we'll make it to the next contest and somehow we'll keep our bikes running. It's BMX friends with the same vision that keeps us going and meeting them at the jams and little contests a couple of times a year is great.
After taking care of the flatland and street riders at the Eindhoven jam earlier this month, it's now up to the miniramp and dirt riders at the mini-FAT-JAM. Saturday night will be party-time at the legendary BMX hang-out called OJA. What's a jam without a party?
Keep your riding scene alive; pick a date, make some flyers, promote the jam, prepare your spot, get some music and have fun.
Ride on.
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