1. Aaron Ross (US)
2. Ali Whitton (UK)
3. Anthony Napolitan (US)
4. Anthony Watkinson (US)
5. Ashley Charles (UK)
6. Ben Wallace (Haro) (US)
7. Brandon Harris (US)
8. Brandon Hoerres (US)
9. Brian Hunt
10. Chase Dehart (US)
11. Chase Hawk (US)
12. Corey Martinez (US)
13. Dan Lacey (UK)
14. Danny Hickerson (US)
15. Dustin Guenther
16. Gary Young (US)
17. John Garcia (France)

19. Justin Simpson (US)
20. Kye Forte (UK)
21. Kyle Blake (UK)
22. Luke Marchant
23. Mark Love (UK)
24. Mark Potoczny
25. Matt Beringer (US)
26. Matt Rowe(UK)
27. Max Vincent (CAN)
28. Maxime Charveron (France)
29. Mike Potoczny (US)
30. Morgan Wade (US)
31. Nate Morshan (US)
32. Niky Croft (UK)
33. Paul Jeffries (UK)
34. Robin Fenlon (UK)
35. Ruben Alcantara (Spain/ US)
36. Scott Malyon (UK)

38. Christopher Jenner (UK)
39. Mike Miller (UK)
40. Marv (UK)
41. Edwin Delarosa (US)
42. Tom White (US)
44. Cam Hardy (UK)
45. Sam Ward (UK)
46. Wade Lajlar (Canada)
If you qualified to ride at Sheffield and you have not contacted us, please let us know if you are riding or not as places will be passed on by Friday 20th October!
There are still tickets available, although they are selling fast, so if you still haven't ordered your tickets yet please call +44(0)845 310 3670 (Mon-Fri 9am- 5.30pm) or buy online. If you wish to be added to our postal and sms contact list then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information: Name, Email, Date of Birth, Mobile number and occupation.