- NEW WEBSITE ON LINE: Yes, we updated our website. Of course, it is a BMX website with the traditional "news", "products", "team" and "contact" sections:
- the entire 2007 Superstar line is displayed with complete technical information.
- team section carries not only riders pictures but also each rider's Top Five on various subjects. Not a long an boring interview, just quotes easy to read and remind.

- "media": advert archives + reports with tons of pictures + free videos (Quick Time and iPod formats). The current "Team" video is very close from the Superstar part of the Padded Cell DVD.
- "bike check": an attached living page where you can see the team riders bikes and friends bikes.
- "nature": this page is our contribution to Nature's protection. We can not pretend to change the whole world with our words. We just do what we can. Also see our own pictures in the "Images" section of the Nature page. Also, the "news" section will be managed by Julien Leyreloup (for France and international news) and Guy Terry (for UK news).
Pics by: Superstarbmx.com