Some of the best BMX dirt jumpers in the world have been invited to come out and session the Stay Strong Compound on Saturday May 11, 2013 2:00pm – 7:00pm all to raise money for Stephen Murray and to celebrate Cory Nastazio’s birthday! The “Backyard” section will be dialed as usual and we are inviting legendary course builder
Adam Aloise out to re design the “Frontyard” into a huge best trick set up with a roll in that jumps off the patio!
We are making a party out of the day and inviting the public to

join us and enjoy some awesome riding, DJ’s and good times. Rockstar Energy will be providing free samples to everyone and we have booked a food truck with Pabst Blue Ribbon for the over 21 guests for sale. There will also be a raffle with prizes from our sponsors at Vans, Bell, S&M, Fit, and more! All spectators will pay a $10 donation at the gate.
Invited rider list:
Anthony Napolitan, Ryan Guettler, TJ Ellis, Lary Edgar, Mike "Hucker" Clark, Brandon Dosch, Dennis Enarson,
Ryan Nyquist, Zack Warden, Daniel Sandoval, Kevin Paraza, James Foster, Big Daddy, Kyle Baldock, Ben Wallace, Luke Parslow, Jed Mildon, Paul Langlands, Brian Foster, Morgan Wade, AJ Anaya, Justin Spriet, Pat Casey, Cory Nastazio and yes we will let
Corey Bohan ride!
There will be no parking permitted at the event so we are providing two free shuttle busses running the length of the event to conveniently get everyone to and from the venue quickly. Parking will be provided at Woodcrest Christian School, 18401 Van Buren Blvd, Riverside, CA (entry on Dauchy). If you are not on the rider invite list please do not bring your bike. It will not be allowed on the shuttle.
This is one of those awesome ride days that you won’t want to miss or read about online. Make sure you get there and be part of the party. Tell your friends, all ages are welcome.