The 3 Backyard digger stops for Germany have been announced. This upcoming weekend (8-9-10 June) the Red Bull heavy equipment will visit the G-Spot in Trier to fix up the trails on the Kleeburgerweg. When the trails are fixed, a session will follow on Sunday 3 June. Other spots that
Benny Paulsen and his crew will patch up and modify (for the better) are:
-Bad Saeckingen (Murgerweg) on 15-17 June
-Arnsdorf (Gewerbegebied) on 27-29 July

Finals: 17-19 August 2007.
To learn more about the Red Bull Backyard digger you can visit their website at:
Backyard digger. The website shows more German dirt spots too.
The photo of
Paddy Gross was shot at the G-Spot in Trier. This place will see some changes this weekend.
Paddy photo by: Axel Reichertz
Equipment pic: Red Bull