Between July 13th and 15th 2007 the Cologne youthpark will see over 400 of the world’s best BMXers battling it out in five different disciplines – street, mini-ramp, vert, flatland and dirt. Each discipline will have amateur, master and pro classes. In addition, the Suzuki BMXMasters will once again support the involvement of girls in BMX, with Girls’ flatland and street disciplines. Over three days € 30,000 in prize money will be up for grabs, so make sure you don’t miss out on the action.

On top, the final of the Braun cruZer Tour will be battled in Cologne on the refreshed Braun Spine Ramp - the world’s largest mobile mini-ramp. The best riders will show their spectacular and most difficult tricks to win the special prize money of €15,000. More info at www.brauncruzertour.com

-The Grand Opening Party will be started on Friday, July 13! From 9.30 p.m. on there will be HipHop, Reggae, Funk, Soul and Electro music brought to you by the Host Def Benski and the DJs Rick Ski & Future Rock, DJ Soundtraxxx, LeBob & and DJ Step in a cool major club. Macka ENA and DJ Buttafinga will perform live on stage. Also the Knee Deep Crew will perform a Funk Style Dance Show. This year the party will take place in an old castle with two areas, one area will be outside.
-Themed to keep traditions we are proud to present the official Suzuki BMXMasters Party on Saturday, July 14, again with The POW POW MOVEMENT! The Cologne Soundsystem can not only be found at the top of the european Sound-System-League in the meantime they are also worldwide on the way. Due to the long lasting solidarity to the Cologne BMX scene and the positive experiences from the last years they will have a further sweaty home game.